The consultation went live on the 30th August and will close 25th October. Now more then ever it is important that we try and get as many residents to respond.
The Local Plan shapes our future and the decisions made for the future of West Oxfordshire and is key in developing the areas where we live and work ensuring the surrounding environment isn’t negatively impacted.
There will be several options for you to look at but two of the options focus on villages are:
Dispersed Growth - A more even distribution of growth with emphasis on small - medium scale development taking place in villages.
Village Clusters - similar to above but with villages considered collectively in 'clusters' based on available services and facilities.
We all recognise that there is a real need for housing and equally a huge demand for affordable housing. The question is are villages the right place? Villages will still play their part regarding additional housing numbers but without your input it could be much larger and have a much greater impact on where many of us live now.
Whilst this will be available online and will be fully interactive allowing you to make comments WODC will be engaging with Town and Parish Councils and will also be happy to receive written feedback on the consultation via email or post.
Please register now to ensure that you can have your say. To sign up for the Local Plan consultation please visit
This is the link that takes you to the Pattern of Development section.