Temporary Emergency Road Closure – at Aston, Great Brook unnamed road from Buckland Rd to unnamed road to Chimney
A request has been received from Oxfordshire County Council Bridges Team for a temporary emergency road closure to apply to unnamed road by Great Brook, Aston whilst essential culvert flood relief repair works are carried out.
An Emergency Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 21st September 2015 for 2 weeks.
Please note that Emergency Temporary Traffic Regulation Notices can last up to 21 consecutive days only.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works. Please note that access routes will depend on exactly where the works vehicles are at any time and may need to be negotiated with the gang on site as necessary.
Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Andrew Vidovic on 0845 310 1111