Following initial consultation last year and taking account of various studies undertaken since then, the Council has published a ‘preferred options’ consultation paper which sets out current thoughts on how the garden village site should be taken forward.
This includes a draft vision and objectives for the site together with a series of proposed policy options on issues such as green space provision, healthy and active travel and climate change.
Over the next eight weeks, residents and any other interested parties have the opportunity to comment on the preferred options before a final round of consultation takes place later in the year.
Exhibitions of the plans will be held at Eynsham Village Hall on 6 September and Hanborough Pavilion on 20 September. Both will run from 2-8pm.
Cllr Jeff Haine, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, said: “It is vital that residents and all interested parties are as engaged as possible in the design of the new garden village.
“This consultation is a key part of the process which will influence the content of the final draft Area Action Plan which we hope to publish later this year.”
The consultation will run until 11 October and can be downloaded here:
Additional information
A key element of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 is the establishment of a new garden village to the north of the A40 near Eynsham.
It will be a new standalone settlement of 2,200 new homes and a new science business park which will give local people an alternative to driving to work in Oxford.
In addition, the nearby Hanborough railway station together with a new Park and Ride facility to the north of Eynsham (expected to be open by 2020) will give people an alternative to using their cars.
It will have its own village facilities, such as a school and community resources, whilst taking proper account of environmental considerations and planned infrastructure improvements.
The new garden village will make a major contribution towards providing much-needed homes and jobs in a high quality living environment. It will also unlock funds to improve infrastructure and boost the case for improvements to local transport links, including upgrades to the A40.
An Area Action Plan is needed for any location or area of significant change; it sets out how a new development will be taken forward, what it will look like and how it will function.
It was stipulated that there should be an Area Action Plan for the Garden Village as part of West Oxfordshire’s Local Plan.