West Oxfordshire District Council’s Community Revenue Grant offers a cash boost to a range of projects and activities that benefit its residents, for example, helping to meet expenditure and covering on-going running costs such as staffing and administration.
Cllr Jeanette Baker, Cabinet Member responsible for grants, said: “Our District has long benefited from having a strong and thriving voluntary and community sector and our grant support recognises the important role they play.”
Grants are awarded to support a diverse range of activity from environmental work through to volunteer activity. Their work must support the Council’s own priorities.
Two schemes that benefitted from a Community Revenue Grant last year are the Lower Windrush Valley Project (LWVP) and Volunteer Link Up.
The LWVP works closely with mineral operators, landowners and the local community to co-ordinate a range of nature conservation, land management and public access initiatives throughout the valley.
Volunteer Link Up maintains a Good Neighbour Scheme which helps residents continue to live independently. The charity also operates a befriending scheme and sources volunteers to help other West Oxfordshire charities.
Further information about the Community Revenue Grant is on www.westoxon.gov.uk. The closing date for applications is Friday 1 February 2019.